
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Having a Bad Day / Week / Month??

Some friends and I were having a good laugh when we discovered that after having a hard day / week we found ourselves heading for the nearest Starbuck's for the biggest fattiest frapmochicedcaffiene drink we could get our hands on.  Well, it has been a rather difficult month.  My boys seem to go through their struggled seasons the same way us adults do and a house full of it can be...well.... Rather waring on the soul.  Sometimes I'll grab that iced goodness proclaiming to myself, "I deserve this!"  Well, for one, we don't deserve anything, and two, I fully recognize that the material possessions we claim are but a fleeting happiness to what is truly meaningful.  Though, we are changeable, fickle beings and continue to convince ourselves that these things will make us happy.  Ok, rant over.  Search for what is of true, lasting meaning, y'all!  

Anyways, I was having one of those increasingly difficult months last year when my husband came walking out of Costco (I was in the car with the boys) with a bright bouquet of flowers.  I just about burst into tears with thankfulness.  Before that moment I did not care for fresh flowers and considered them a waste of money.  They die after a few days and you have to deal with throwing the wretched things out after they've molded and smell of rancid, moldy veggies and stinky basketball socks....  But, in these last few years my feelings of cut flowers changed.  Maybe it's age.  Maybe it's the season of life.  As a stay at home mom, I am constantly in the realm of my nested surroundings.  It is increasingly difficult to get out of the house and I can be consumed with the smells and appearances of my environment.  Seeing and Smelling an arrangement of fresh flowers just makes me all happy and tingly inside.  It also gives me a little extra boost to keep things orderly around all the chaos that trails behind little ones.  With that being said, I picked up a bouquet last week while doing a Costco run and thought to share this experience with you.

So, next time when you are, definitely, on your way to dropping $5 at a mega coffee house, consider heading over to Costco and picking up a lovely floral arrangement for $9 instead.  Annnnd, that pretty much resembled an infomercial for Costco.  I can down an Iced coffee in about an hour and it's jittery affects might last a few more hours.  These colorful smellies will last for about a week (maybe longer) if you care for them properly.  

This $9 bouquet from Costco generously filled two large vases.  

One for the foyer.

One for the dining room.

Two Starbuck's Caramel Macchiatos.

One Costco wild floral bouquet.

Which would you choose?


  1. Your post is so true. Its really hard not to go to food when things are tough, when there are so many other healthier and cheaper ways to deal with stress. This post is really fitting for me right now, since I just came down with a cold, had a stressful day yesterday and woke up with two huge cold sores on my lips this morning! And I keep eating cookies...

  2. Haven, you are so funny. But, your statement rings true in many different aspects.

  3. Also, I really love the placement of the flowers on the dresser. Very beautiful.

  4. I feel convicted and I don't want to!! lol. Yes, my caffeinated beverage is often my reward... for whatever reason I make up. Working to look to the Lord for all things and finding true, lasting joy... Well said, Ash :)
